I have over 13 years of experience working with businesses of all sizes in a wide variety of industries. Prior to working with CyberCoders, as a Sales Manager, I recruited, interviewed, trained, and mentored multiple top performing teams. I have a passion... Read more
I have over 13 years of experience working with businesses of all sizes in a wide variety of industries. Prior to working with CyberCoders, as a Sales Manager, I recruited, interviewed, trained, and mentored multiple top performing teams. I have a passion for helping people and companies achieve their goals and will work tirelessly to help you do the same! I was born and raised in North and South Dakota. Upon graduating from The University of North Dakota with dual majors in Business Management and Entrepreneurship, I packed my car and moved to Orange County, CA. After 9 years in CA, I relocated to OH, then to MA for business opportunities. I now live in Charleston, SC metro with my wife, Casey, and two young daughters Harper and Taylor. I enjoy the outdoors, golf, the beach, and anything involving technology.
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